

Farewell to Kev and Dee

Kev and Dee from the Old Horse

On 14 November 2024 the branch gathered at the Old Horse on London road to say farewell to Kev and Dee who are retiring after running the Old Horse for many years. Among those gathered were the 5 Chairmen of…

Free Saturday Bus services!

Bus Lane Image

Bus journeys that start or end in Leicestershire will be available for free every Saturday from the 19th October until the 30th November! This is an initiative from the Leicestershire County Council so does not include services entirely within the…

Pub of the Year 2024

Blue Boar Leicester

The judging is complete, the scores have been verified, and we can now confirm the winners of the CAMRA Leicester Pub Of The Year:We split the branch into 3 categories – Urban, Suburban and Rural, as well as having an…